½ Cup of dried cranberries (minced)
2 green apples (remove core and chopped fine)
½ medium yellow onion (chopped fine)
½ Cup of mushrooms (chopped fine)
½ Stick of butter
¼ Cup of brown sugar
3-4 slices of provolone cheese
Butcher or packaging string
In a medium frying pan, melt the butter on medium high. Add cranberries and sauté until they slightly soften. Add apples and mix with the cranberries for one minute. Add brown sugar and mix until sugar breaks down and coats apple/cranberry mixture. Add onion and mushrooms into the mixture and stir for two more minutes. Remove from heat and set aside to cool.
Take a pork loin and butterfly it so it opens fully. Season the pork as desired. Lay the provolone cheese across the meat, slightly overlapping the edges of the cheese. When the apple/cranberry mixture has cooled, spread it over the cheese. Fold the loin into the closed position and tie securely with the string (four pieces of string should do).
Place on grill (preferred), or in skillet on stove top, or in a baking dish in the oven and cook until meat is done (rotate ¼ turn every 10 minutes). While the meat is cooking baste with Italian Salad Dressing or olive oil to keep the meat from drying out.